Another vote for Vogt
It's beginning to look like a race out in the Sixth District, but the question is now becoming one of whether the establishment Republican is really Dan Bongino, who earned his stripes by garnering the Maryland GOP's senatorial nomination last April. Consider that Dan's closest opponent in that race, Richard Douglas, is now backing Vogt:
Service in the armed forces is not the only quality required of a conscientious member of Congress. But it is an enormous asset. For this reason, I believe that former Marine rifleman and Afghanistan veteran David Vogt is the best choice to represent Maryland District 6 in the U.S House of Representatives.
During the last twelve years, our nation's most important national security enterprises have been combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. After September 11, 2001, Americans like Mr. Vogt enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and other branches of the armed forces to perform our nation's dangerous and demanding work. They volunteered without fanfare, fully aware that they would be deployed to combat theaters, rifle in hand. Their willingness to go in harm's way is the essence of service and sacrifice.
Even Americans who opposed U.S. operations in Iraq or Afghanistan can appreciate the worth of such badly-needed qualities, today, in every walk of our often-troubled national life. These qualities are important because the interests of Maryland and our nation often demand that elected representatives in Congress, regardless of party, cross swords with the people who govern us from the White House, the Pentagon and other Executive branch departments and independent agencies.
Staring down the President, the Pentagon, a massive bureaucracy, or your own party leadership to serve the people takes genuine courage. But that is a House member's duty, regardless of the political consequences. Armed forces veterans -- particularly those with combat experience in the ranks -- understand and have lived the duties of self-sacrifice and courage. They are less likely to become the star-struck cheerleaders for bad military, foreign, and domestic policy which, sadly, populate Congress today.
Service, seasoning and wisdom matter. Marylanders have had a bellyful of tough-talking lightweights in public life. Mr. Vogt is a step forward. He is the Republican primary candidate who has demonstrated the courage, seasoning and experience required to represent Marylanders well.
Mr. Vogt's Afghanistan service in the U.S. Marine Corps did not make him a better American than his electoral opponents. But it will make him a better member of the U.S. Congress.
I'll leave aside the question of Douglas's backing vis-a-vis the question of establishment vs. conservative for the moment, because it's worth pointing out that Bongino and Douglas were rivals for the same job last year, and the backbone of Richard's campaign was his foreign policy experience as well as his tenure as a Senate staffer. At the same time, the question of Afghanistan was still in the air and Dan made a compelling case for pulling out, which automatically and immediately puts him at loggerheads with the Afghan campaign veteran Vogt. For that reason alone, I'm not surprised at this endorsement, which could help Vogt most in the extreme western part of the district where Douglas prevailed in the 2012 primary.
But this is also shaping up to be yet another establishment vs. outsider proxy battle, with Bongino again playing the role of outsider against Douglas in an election with few established names. It's true that Vogt has no elected political experience, but the same could be said for Douglas - yet he was embraced by a number of MDGOP insiders as well as those inside the Beltway.
I find it interesting, though, that Bongino hasn't chosen to begin rolling out endorsements yet. Maybe he feels less need to since it's implied that many of those who backed his Senate run will do the same for a Congressional bid, but if Vogt's ball keeps rolling he could make it a race. While it's very unscientific, the most recent Red Maryland poll gives Bongino a solid - but not convincing - 17-point edge. Considering his name recognition from being on the ballot last year, that's got to be too close for comfort.
So how will Dan Bongino play this? I can only speculate, but I suspect the big push will begin after Labor Day and it will center on pocketbook issues.
Meanwhile, there are some in the online media who are questioning the way the Vogt campaign is being run, particularly staffing decisions. There's no question that Dan Bongino has rubbed some in the Maryland GOP the wrong way, but one name in particular continues to pop up on the radar screen of Jeff Quinton and his Quinton Report, and apparently that person is now involved in Vogt's campaign as well.
Leaving aside the personality aspect, Jeff makes a valid point - why would a story like this be buried on a weekend? (I received this word before this evening, but it was embargoed to today and I respected the campaign's wishes.) One might posit that a release on Saturday assures more attention during a slow news period and perhaps placement in the Sunday paper, but having done this gig for awhile I know the ebb and flow of readership and when certain material works best and Saturday is an unusual day for political activity like this. And having noticed a similar line on a Facebook posting from Monday, arguably that would have been the time to lead with it if the endorsement were in the can.
So far we have proven that first-time campaigners make mistakes. The question is whether the unforced errors will doom the Vogt campaign.