Another sort of stimulus?
If you're a longtime reader of monoblogue, you should recall that back in May I advocated for a particular industry's expansion because they had the capital to help break our economic slide if they could put that profit to work.
The other day I received an e-mail note which suggested perhaps another approach could be tried, and it actually involves a legitimate function of our federal government. Since a portion of the Preamble to our Constitution is to "provide for the common defense", certainly maintaining the best military we can rates as a priority. This tip also pointed me to two concurring opinions on the subject, Jeff Emanuel's piece on and another by John Ruberry, who writes for the blog Marathon Pundit.
What they have in common is a bid to save the F-22 stealth fighter jet, a program purportedly on Obama's chopping block. The writer also noted a Maryland connection:
As you might know, Lockheed Martin, with offices in Bethesda, makes the advanced jet fighter. GE also works on the project at their Germantown location. These facilities will be at risk if the program is not funded. Many other facilities in states across the country will be facing similar uncertainty. By passing over the F-22 fighter project, the nationwide impact risks 95,000 jobs that contribute $12 billion of domestic production to the economy. With the federal government looking to boost economic activity and to stem unemployment, domestic manufacturing and production projects like the F-22 fighter are best suited to deliver maximum results on both fronts.
Living on the Eastern Shore, I actually didn't know that. What I do know, though, is there are a lot of nations who are looking at the incoming President as one who may be easily manipulated into making a number of defense cuts and weakening our military in a time where they may be needed more than ever. It seems to be a roller coaster of late where Democrats in the White House cut military spending and Republicans have to ramp it back up in order to keep pace with those who threaten us.
Where this policy could more directly affect the Eastern Shore is in space exploration. Over the last few years the Wallops Island facility on the Eastern Shore of Virginia has increased its stature in the national space program, which in turn has helped an economically challenged area with job creation. Trading jobs at Wallops for infrastructure jobs which will be generally targeted for more Democrat-friendly areas will put our economic health at risk. I can see the pattern of pork now; despite what Obama says about earmarks he wouldn't apply a veto to one of his cherished stimulus programs regardless of what's thrown into them. True, some aspects of space exploration can be done better through the private sector but the military does have a stake in maintaining a healthy space program.
While the target has shifted over the weeks since his election, Obama has vowed to save or create a huge number of jobs - the latest number I've heard is 3 million. As one of a few specifically enumerated tasks given to the federal government by our Constitution, let's hope that a large number of jobs saved come in maintaining our national defense.