If all goes as planned, this evening I'll begin a new adventure in my blogging career.
Sometime today the website Red County will continue its expansion eastward and will open up the Wicomico County, Maryland site. I've been chosen to be editor there and will also get to select my "blogpen" of other writers who I deem to be worthy of inclusion. It will be their first Maryland site and apparently I was selected over several other worthy writers for the task. The person at Red County who offered me the position to liked my site because it has a "ton of information" yet is pleasing to the eye.
One thing I really like about the Red County concept is that I can maintain the focus I have on issues at all levels (national, state, and local). To begin with I'll populate the site with a few recent posts I've done, including my Deborah Johns interview and my WCRC meeting notes from last night. This flexibility with focus is one thing which sold me on doing this in addition to monoblogue - in essence I'll be writing one post and placing it on two websites. This site isn't going to disappear. And if you wonder about cannabalizing readership here to supply items there, bear in mind that I'll still be writing on non-political items (like Shorebird of the Week or local music stuff) exclusively on monoblogue - plus you get the political posts here as well.
And because the Red County audience is many times mine (and growing with the addition of new sites) it allows me an introduction to a lot of people who may not read a Maryland-based site. (I told the Red County folks that I'm going to cover Delaware too, they get two states for the price of one. I won't restrict my blogpen to Maryland either.) But because my writing has always based itself on a fairly simple set of arguments that have been built over time, I have this vast reservoir of over 1,000 previous posts I can refer to which wouldn't be placed on Red County but instead bring traffic here. (You'll notice I do frequently backstop my posts like that.) This wasn't something I had in mind for the situation at hand but it does come in handy.
So once the Red County Wicomico site is up and running you can check it out and see how well I'm received there. But don't abandon monoblogue, there's still a lot which will go here exclusively and it's fun to see the comments I get from my local sparring partners. This can still be our not-so-little secret.
I also have two people to thank. Obviously the first expression of gratitude is for Deborah Johns, who was gracious enough to answer my questions so well. The other is to Joe Wierzbicki, who included a link to my interview on two e-mails he sent on behalf of the Our Country Deserves Better folks. It's because of them I've had two of my best days ever in terms of readers, second only to last year's Rushalanche. (And the links continue, I approved a comment last night from yet another site linking here.)
Now it's time to take things to the next level.