And it begins...
I didn't figure it would take too long.
Once the floodgates had been opened, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone would try and push the envelope.
The next frontier will be that of "consenting adults." Just wait until the first person citing his religion wants to marry a preteen under the age of consent. It will be discrimination to not allow this person his wish, after all it is love and "love wins," does it not?
Methinks that the Supreme Court has left us a legacy of banana peels and jagged cliffs.
I still marvel at the lightning speed by which we went from one state court decreeing that marriage licenses should be given to same-sex couples (in a split 4-3 decision) to having it become the law of the land in all 50 states in less than a dozen years. Aside from fighting an actual war with bullets and fatalities, it's rare to see such a pace of change.
And where once the concept wasn't polled, now about 3 in 5 Americans are supportive of same-sex "marriage." That simply means 3 in 5 are victims of the constant propaganda, although maybe I should be encouraged that 2 in 5 still apparently believe in the word of God.
But then I'm just a "hater" because I believe marriage remains between one man and one woman. We Christians are funny that way, I suppose.