And a happy Independence Day to all!
I'm not going to sit at the computer long, but I wanted to take a few moments and wish my readers a Fourth of July festooned with family, friends, fireworks, and fun! Here's an AP story detailing how others will spend the Fourth of July holiday, including our soldiers in Iraq.
The most interesting part of the article to me was how many new citizens choose today to swear their citizenship to our nation. These LEGAL immigrants who went about things the right way generally turn out to be an asset to the country and do assimilate into our culture.
And a good number of those people serve or did serve in our armed forces. Today's a day we should thank them too. Okay, we should thank them every day but an extra thought or prayer today never hurts.
On a personal note, I'll get to enjoy the company of friends today at their place and it looks like my heretofore heavy work schedule is going to ease a little bit now. This means I can get back to regular posting. I think I've managed to place something up each day lately but now I can get back to more political issues and other items I do as a mid-summer tradition, like my rundown of baseball's second half.
So enjoy the blessings of our nation today. While it's not perfect, remember the Founding Fathers only strove to form a "more perfect Union." The rest is up to us.
Late edit: Another AP story about our soldiers overseas celebrating the Fourth. In some places it's already the Fifth now so they're done with the partying and it's back to work.