An update on Turning the Tides 2015
Maybe it should be subtitled: we won, so what's next?
Regardless, the Maryland Citizen Action Network announced more speakers for their annual event coming up January 10 in Annapolis. The list now includes:
Dr. Alveda King Niger Innis Kira Davis Sonnie Johnson Scott Blevins Leonard Robinson III David Spielman Dan Bongino Cindy Strickline-Rose Christina Delmont-Small Wayne Dupree Tony Ristaino
Obviously not all of these speakers are household names, even to me. Instead, they are local experts on topics such as Common Core, border security, political campaigning, and several others. One thing I've noticed is that many of them are minorities, which reflects a push toward outreach to that community which is long overdue.
Something they could use, even at this late date, are sponsors. It's unfortunate that I couldn't be a Bloggers' Table sponsor but perhaps someone out there who believes in the new media can step up and handle that responsibility. I know I enjoyed the experience a couple years ago when I was there.
TTT2015 will come at an interesting time - just days after the new General Assembly is sworn in, but a week and a half away from the inauguration of Maryland's first Republican governor in eight years (and just third in the last half-century.) It will give activists an opportunity to brainstorm and hear some ideas on how to make Maryland a better, more competitive state as time goes on. A lot of damage has been done in the last eight years and undoing it will take effort and cooperation between conservative groups trying to combat entrenched special interests who look at the Larry Hogan administration as a temporary four-year aberration before business returns to usual. Simply put, we have to plan this term in such a way as to inflict maximum damage to those interests.
Right after the election, I saw a meme that joked about the old white male face of the Republican Party - I think it was photos of Mia Love, Tim Scott, and Elise Stefanik. (In order, they are a newly-elected black female Congressman from Utah, South Carolina's junior Senator who was elected to a full term, and the youngest member of the incoming Congress.) Yes, there are still a lot of old white guys in the GOP (including me) but times are changing. I fall neatly along the line between Baby Boomer and Generation X; I tend to identify more with the latter. But the Millennial Generation isn't exactly waiting its turn, and that's fine with me.
You can see some examples of this in January in Annapolis.
And now for something completely different: I have exciting news about a new advertiser tomorrow.