An update on my personal polling and projects
Most of you recall I made an unsuccessful bid to be an Alternate Delegate to the Republican National Convention in September, so unsuccessful that I finished second-to-last. While I'm not laying the blame entirely on anyone's shoulders but my own, I did wonder if this e-mail didn't hurt my chances as well.
Last night I actually got a breakdown of votes by county and not surprisingly I got most of my support from the Lower Shore. Out of 26 votes, 16 were from there - and while I'm glad to have gotten all 7 votes from my home county, I was pleased to also get all 7 from Somerset County too, so thanks people! Now I have to work on the other 185 votes I could have picked up.
The other votes were scattered throughout the state, so I'm happy that not everyone fell for the McCain e-mail. Apparently my message did get to a limited number of folks, so it's something to build on for the future. I notice I got my outstate votes from the more conservative areas, none at all from Montgomery, PG, or Baltimore City.
Speaking of the future, I'm working on a couple projects that should create a lot of interest on both a local and national scale. For now I'll keep them under my hat but just keep this in mind as the next month progresses. I should have both ready by the 4th of July.