An unfriendly gathering
One would think a city would welcome a Christian event with a world-renowned speaker. But not this one.
First of all, I want to thank my friend and subscriber Carol Frazier for alerting me to this. But I want to add two bits of context before I launch into the video.
One, I have not been a resident of the city of Salisbury since 2017, and in my time on the Delmarva I’ve actually lived in the city just 8 out of 18 years. (Much of the remainder was spent just outside city limits.) However, during most of that time I have worked in the city of Salisbury so there’s a connection there. Also, as disclosure, I’ve covered the campaigns of and voted for the man who is the Council president, Muir Boda, plus I have other personal connections with him that I’ve blogged about over the years.
He didn’t have much to say in this thirteen-minute segment, which is his right since he’s the keeper of their business. But I have a lot to say, as you will see.
Secondly, the event referred to is the God Loves You tour, which is a ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The tour features music by The Newsboys, Marcos Witt, and Dennis Agajanian along with a message from Billy’s son Franklin Graham. As they note:
In 2023, Franklin Graham is hitting the road again to bring the Good News to the tidewater regions of the East Coast. Working alongside local pastors, churches, and volunteers, the God Loves You Tour will boldly share the name of Jesus in six cities from Maryland to North Carolina.
All of the six events on this leg of Graham’s ministry, dubbed the Tidewater Tour, are being held in secular venues, mainly at fairgrounds - in Salisbury it’s being held at an open stage along its riverfront. This is nothing new, as Billy Graham used to have his crusades in similar secular spaces. Why preach to the choir? That’s not the idea.
I believe I’ve cued the below video to the correct time; if not, the pertinent portion begins at about 37:10.
The first speaker to my point is Michele Gregory, who is a district council member. As it happens, she was also my neighbor for a time as she ran a home-based child care catty-corner across the street from the house we rented for 2 1/2 years, which was our last residence in Salisbury proper. (I’m sure she didn’t like my Ted Cruz for President sign then.)
Anyway, Ms. Gregory was just taken aback that a evangelistic Christian event from a “hate group” was not just allowed by the city, but promoted on their Facebook page. (I haven’t checked, but I’ll bet that post disappeared.) It was an offense to her LGBTQ+ friends and family, she continued, and has no place in an “accepting and open” city. It’s not a hope-filled message for friends and family of mine, she added.
I guess Ms. Gregory (as well as Acting Mayor Jack Heath, who agreed with her) has a closed heart, and that’s a shame. But have they ever considered that the “message” being promoted by the city having a Pride Parade in June - an event they are partners in - is offensive to some of us? Well, maybe “offensive” isn’t the right word - how about “disturbing” in the sense it places the city’s imprimatur on a sinful, unhealthy lifestyle.
Ms. Gregory may object to the God Loves You event being held downtown, but has anyone asked about objections to a pride parade? There are certainly some, but those who do are called “bigots” and “homophobes” for their trouble.
It’s sad that the city administrator stammered through his response, but then we later had the piling on by fellow Council member Megan Outten, who decreed that the city needs a screening process “so events like this never happen again.” Really? And while Ms. Outten wants to make Salisbury a “welcoming community,” is that red carpet pulled up for those who believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior and wish to spread the Gospel to a lost and dying world?
To me, there’s part of the puzzle a grieving April Jackson lamented about in her comments at work here. Later this week we’ll have a Biblical message to “boldly share the name of Jesus” presented to those who wish to hear it in Salisbury, and perhaps that message of turning the other cheek and forgiving our enemies may reach someone who would have otherwise been predisposed to violence of the type Ms. Jackson decried. (Perhaps Franklin Graham may touch on that in his remarks if they’re tailored to the locale.) Isn’t the old adage, “if we could save one life it’s worth it” true in this case, too?
It’s very sad to me that there are some of the city’s elected officials who believe a Biblical message is hurtful because it’s not one of condoning a sinful lifestyle as normal and right.
This is the part where I will briefly remind you that all of the members of Salisbury City Council and the mayor are up for election this November. But it’s more important that we pray for these members to receive spiritual guidance in considering their actions. Rather than a rebuke, I wanted this to be a time to remind the faithful that perhaps it’s time to work on hearts hardened to the truth of God’s Word and to recall Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”
Right now it looks like Thursday will be a beautiful evening to rejoice in His Word, so I would suggest you bring a chair and be sharpened.
No hate speech here, only Gods word which is truth in LoVE! For those that believe it’s hate speech like the City council and others it’s only because you’ve been called out doing wrong in the site of God it’s called sin! Makes you uncomfortable….so if you Repent and ask Christ Jesus to deliver you, invite Him into your heart to Become 1 with our Heavenly Father! Love, peace, joy is found in Jesus your life will be full, be delivered! We are all sinners but you can be saved by GRACE! Curious? Join us!
It doesn't matter if you are Christian, or not. This country is by law a place where people have freedom of speech, and freedom of religion! It's beyond belief to me that Christians are being called a hate group. And that someone, anyone feels it is their right to stop them from speaking.