An Independence Day message
I don't normally write a lot on Independence Day, for I know that most people have better things to do than celebrate the holiday reading my space. But it's not like Christmas Day where I actually leave the site dormant for the day, because I have something to put in the space.
This year I wanted to point out that 2010 U.S. Senate candidate Jim Rutledge wrote a piece he sent to a number of conservatives around the state (I was one of them) and it was something I thought worth the link - in this case I linked to his Facebook page, where you can read what he had to say.
But this was also reposted in a number of locations, and in this case I'm going to steer you to the Right Coast blog that Julie Brewington hosts, with the reason being the comments afterward. There's no doubt we have freedom of speech in this country and I'd be the first to defend Liberal Elite's right to say what he/she wants. But I've seen this comment thread for three days now and I'll still be damned to know what the objection to Jim's subject matter was?
Now we can sit all day and debate some of the concepts and whether our freedom and liberty is put at risk by one party or another - while liberals are great at telling people what to do, the point made that certain conservatives do the same thing in certain areas of life is one well taken.
For example, as I note in a comment made I am pro-life and believe life begins at conception. But I would disagree with a Constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion because I also believe in the sanctity of state's rights and, while it is acknowledged the right to life is endowed by our Creator as part of our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution is the actual law of the land and it clearly states in the Tenth Amendment that powers not specific to the Federal Government are reserved for the states or the people. (Moreover, the Fourteenth Amendment says that states can't deprive anyone of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.)
Regardless, the entire concept of independence is more and more a moot question because many in our society have, as Rutledge says, "trade(d) his liberty for his rulers’ promises of health and welfare." That's simply part of the human condition, and no matter how noble the American experiment a sizable portion of people will be happy to be what others would consider a slave - just as long as they have a benevolent master. Personally I would lump about 90 percent of Obama supporters into that group, but that's just me.
So the choice is more and more clear: are we free or are we slaves? No, I've not suddenly warped in time back to 1860 but the upcoming election presents a rather stark choice nonetheless. I sure have no desire to celebrate Dependence Day, but too many out there are happy to do so.