AC Week in review: September 14, 2014
First of all, let me get you up to speed on what I wrote.
In my first featured piece, I took a look at what's being called a "skills mismatch." It's the reason a million jobs are going unfilled. I also got resolution at long last on the vexing problem of dumping a steel product called Oil Country Trading Goods, where Korea was found to be indeed running afoul of the law and had punitive tariffs placed on their products.
And that's where I left it. But there are reasons.
Back at the end of August, just before Labor Day, I found out the editor who I was working with at AC was leaving the company. In his place came another editor, but also a fairly dramatic change in the purpose of the American Certified blogs. Instead of featuring news, analysis, and information, the new direction would be along the lines of quirky, list-driven stories, more in the style of a BuzzFeed. It's just not something I enjoy writing, so I decided after some thought to part ways with them for the time being. If they decide they want to get back to meatier content, they know where to find me.
Listen, I hope the new direction works well for them because the overall concept of the company is something I'm firmly behind. If it takes a BuzzFeed clone for them to drive business and succeed, I'm happy to step aside for their good. But I have the opinion that there's always room for gravitas.
Moreover, this experience has piqued a new branch of interest I enjoyed working with. My intention with the Sausage Grinder site was along the lines of what the company originally intended:
Finally, American Certified will feature news and blogs depicting thorough analysis and trends related to the most recent happenings in American manufacturing and consumption. Members of the press and AC shoppers can sign up for a free weekly news summary, reporting on the Buy American movement from all sides, without bias.
I thought I did my part toward that end, but perhaps it just wasn't something worthy of attention. It would have helped to have more faithful writers to build the readership, but that is what it is. I found out coming up with content is tough when you aren't doing it full-time.
But as it turns out, though, I'm not sure they ever did the weekly news summary - as part of seeking that job I put a mock version together. That was a pity because I thought I did well in knocking the test summary out. Now it's all water under the bridge.
And while the storyline about OCTG I cited above came to a conclusion, there are a lot of others I don't want to leave hanging. Go back through these "AC Week in review" posts and you'll find a lot of topics worth discussing. I'm hoping to add more of that content here as sort of a step away from the horserace aspect of politics and into more of a policy arena.
But again, I wish the AC crew the best of luck. I was hoping it would be more than a four-month endeavor, but at least I got the experience, a few dollars along the way, and a great opening party in a town I'd never heretofore visited. And as I said before, I'm not closing the door if they're not.
So now I will have to find something to fill my Sunday space again. Sheesh, no more Shorebird of the Week on Thursday or AC Week in review on Sunday - I might have to become creative.