About my hiatus
I see I have a select few who have stuck around.
In the month of April I put up a whopping two posts. after just eight in March. That point in my life I had long feared would come had arrived, a point where I had a lot on my plate combined with very little desire or passion to comment on the political news. Whether that's the result of stepping away from the arena as I did last summer or just a realization that a lot of what I have done over the last decade was so much beating my head against the wall on so many levels is something others may speculate upon. All I know is that the spirit to open up the back side of my website and post my thoughts for the world to see wasn't there enough to convince me to make it a priority.
But I do have the space, and it pays for itself as long as certain posts are placed there, so I may as well use it once in awhile, right?
Truth be told, there are three things that are overwhelming in this world: the amount of information that is at one's fingertips when they learn to surf the World Wide Web, the amount of influence and power exhibited by government at all levels - which, in part, we can learn about from the internet - and, finally, the number of people who style themselves as political pundits who are trying to grab an audience that's probably shrinking in terms of readers of the long-form commentary that's my preferred method of communication. Once upon a time bloggers were the new, hip thing, but now people are looking to Tweets, video, or violence in the street to state their case. Nowadays you can get a lot more attention standing in the street holding a sign and blocking traffic than spending a couple hours researching points, formulating arguments, and making the argument to influence the discourse in 1200 to 1500 words. Donald Trump can dash off a Tweet and reach millions of people, so when was the last time he wrote an opinion piece? (Okay, it wasn't that long ago. But he still employs Twitter way, way more.)
But I hate Twitter, have no desire to do video or a podcast because I know I'm not an eloquent speaker, and don't really have any reason to block traffic in the street. So here I sit, writing again.
Yet there is so much going on that I have no idea if I could keep to a particular topic. Those of you who have stuck with me in my post-political phase that began last summer know I did not like Donald Trump, did not vote for him, and did not expect a whole lot to move in my preferred political direction when he shocked the world and won the Electoral College vote. I will give him credit for creating a perception the economy is improving despite glacial growth in terms of GDP. It is interesting to note there, though, that:
The increase in real GDP in the first quarter reflected positive contributions from nonresidential fixed investment, exports, residential fixed investment, and personal consumption expenditures (PCE), that were offset by negative contributions from private inventory investment, state and local government spending, and federal government spending. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased. (Emphasis mine.)
And this got my interest piqued. So I did a little bit of looking and found this item from my old friends at Americans for Limited Government, which says in part:
(W)hen government spending is included as a component of GDP, and then is held steady or cut...it weighs down the GDP on a nominal basis. And when spending increases...it boosts the GDP nominally speaking. This is an inherent bias of the first order in favor of government expenditures when measuring the health of the economy. (Emphasis in original.)
So perhaps Donald Trump is on to something if government spending is down. Too bad he wants to spend more by not reforming entitlements. Meanwhile, his discretionary budget is pretty much a wash as the $54 billion he would cut from other programs is spent on defense - admittedly, a more Constitutional mandate but one that simply flat-lines the government. And it's doubtful his budget blueprint will survive unscathed, meaning that spending is bound to increase yet again.
I did some looking on various websites and found that, interestingly enough, as the Y2K scare receded our GDP crossed over the $10 trillion barrier, coming in at $10.031 trillion for Q1 2000. As of Q4 2016 it was calculated at $18.8694 trillion for a 16-year increase of 88.11%. Meanwhile, the federal budget went from $1.863 trillion for FY2001 (the last Bill Clinton budget, which had a modest surplus thanks to the GOP Congress) to $3.854 trillion for FY2016, which was the last full year under Barack Obama and added $587 billion to the deficit. Government spending grew 106.87% during that time, while cumulative inflation was just 39.4% - at least according to the government.
I'm no economic genius by any stretch of the imagination, but I would suspect having GDP growth exceed inflation is good, but having government spending (which is a component of GDP) increase more quickly than either is a bad sign. If you take away the government spending component the question is whether GDP growth is still ahead of inflation. Maybe it's not.
But who profits from that? I will grant there is certain government spending that adds value: if someone in the federal DOT had the gumption to have an interstate highway built between here and I-95 by Wilmington, not only would the money create local construction jobs on Delmarva but the greater ease in access to and from points north like New York, Boston, and Philadelphia would be good for local tourism and industry by making it easier to get here and transport there.
On the other hand, simple wealth transfers from rich to poor (welfare, Medicaid) and young to old (Social Security, Medicare) don't add much in the way of value except in the sense that their care and feeding keeps a few thousand paper-pushers employed. But they are not creating value as their wages are extracted from those dollars others earn with work that adds value like mining, manufacturing, services like architecture and construction, and so forth. (Did I mention that I'm once again a registered architect in Maryland?)
So if you know this and I know this, why is the system remaining as is? I believe more and more that there is a group of well-connected people and entities who make their fortunes by gaming the system. Instead of government being a neutral arbitrator, they seem to be putting their thumb on the scale to favor those who now participate in an ever-widening vicious cycle of dependency and rent-seeking. To me, things should be fair for everyone with equal treatment in the eyes of the law but greed and lack of respect for one's fellow man has changed the Golden Rule to "he who has the gold, rules."
Surely, then, I'm asked why I don't like efforts to overturn the Citizens United decision? I look at it this way: money in politics wouldn't be a problem if there were no money in the honey pot for one's sticky fingers to clutch on to. If the federal government did just what they were Constitutionally mandated to do, it wouldn't matter in the least who gave campaign cash to who because the limits of government would mean lobbyists would have to make an honest living.
Consider that I've been riffing on this theme for over a decade and you'll understand why I need a break sometimes. I do have a few tricks up my sleeve though, including the 2017 edition of the monoblogue Accountability Project. I think that's going to be easier to compile because there are so many veto votes to use. Hopefully that will be done the first week of June, so we'll see how this year's General Assembly session stacks up.
And to be honest, it's work I truly enjoy doing. Maybe that's what keeps me going despite the lack of progress in changing things, so off to work I go.