A welcome respite
The last time I went to an Andy Harris town hall meeting, it was a time when "Indivisible" passions ran high and the "traveling roadshow" was out in force. One successful re-election for Harris later, the group on Monday was more subdued.
My spot of activity this week didn't allow me to get to this right away, which wasn't the worst thing in the world. I was sort of curious to see if any of his other stops would be controversial and it doesn't appear they made a splash in the news cycle. And speaking of news cycle, this was a familiar sight.
As a matter of fact, had I chose to I could have been on TV myself (on local rival WMDT) but I just didn't feel like I could answer their questions. My thoughts and recollections are better suited for this space.
After doing it for almost a decade, perhaps Andy has figured this town hall thing out. First of all, you couldn't help but admire his work in getting a local veteran named George Hornsby the medals and commendations he'd been owed for over fifty years.
Something else that was different (and better) was how the questions were selected. Rather than soliciting index cards for written questions for a moderator (and leaving himself open for the charge of not answering difficult questions) each person had a number given to them and when their number was drawn, they were given the opportunity to stand up and ask their question. In a little over an hour, we got to about 15 people that I wrote down.
And I thought the questions were nicely varied, which made them a little bit difficult to categorize. As a summary and not a blow-by-blow, I think I can take a bit of editorial license and group questions into more broad categories.
The first is a sort of "role of government" track. People had concerns about the direction of the House, and were asking what he could do to assist President Trump. There was a person concerned about robocalls, another who asked about sanctuary cities, and someone else who asked about the Kavanaugh confirmation.
Regarding the direction of the House, Harris just reminded us, "everybody has a vote" each two years. It's the worst system - except for all the rest, he continued, conceding that the voters wanted divided government. "I try to represent the district," he added, noting his belief he's conveying the wishes of the majority of the First District.
Unfortunately, being in the House minority means there's "not a whole lot" he can do to help Donald Trump, a President he agrees with "90 percent of the time." One of those cases will be his vote to sustain President Trump's veto of the rescission of his state of emergency. "My vote will sustain his veto," said Harris.
One reason he cited was funding for border security. "As a nation you have to control your borders," he said. Andy also alerted us to the 90% of our heroin that comes across the southern border, not to mention the amount of fentanyl - enough to kill 9 times the population of Maryland from one particular recent seizure - that we stop.
Eventually the conversation on the border led to a question on sanctuary cities, and whether we could cut their funding. Andy told the questioner there was no statutory authority to do so, but having sanctuary cities also "creates a lack of rule of law," which was something we needed to get back to. I also learned how Andy would handle the DREAMer situation: a "legal pathway" with permanent residency status but no citizenship unless they returned to their home country to start the process there.
All that made the concern about robocalls, which was a concern he agreed with - and even spoke to the committee chair regarding it - rather mundane. It also has an international aspect to it since most originate in foreign countries but spoof domestic numbers.
Harris also agreed the Kavanaugh confirmation was "a spectacle," although as a member of the House he was but an observer like the rest of us. "In the end, I think the American system worked," he added.
In a sort of peripheral way, those couple people who were concerned about environmental issues were looking at the government for help, too. One was concerned about garbage, which is a problem in, of all places, the middle of the Pacific. In that case, one of the issues was that China no longer takes our garbage. The reason? We are dirty recyclers: oftentimes the leftover products originally encased within the plastic containers are still present in enough quantity to make recycling less cost-effective. Perhaps a solution is in "waste-to-energy" or chemical recycling.
Their other concern was Bay funding, which President Trump's budget cut from $73 million to $7 million. The Maryland delegation is working to at worst level-fund it, although if there is a continuing resolution the spending would continue as before, too.
Here Andy brought up one area where he and I part ways: stating that offshore drilling needs the permission of the state, Harris stated his opposition to not only offshore drilling, but offshore testing as well. That is a short-sighted approach, but I think opponents like him are afraid that there's a vast supply of black gold or natural gas out there. I'm not sure why that's something to fear, but why not do the testing anyway to verify one way or the other?
A lot of people had guns on their minds. There are "too many guns in this country," said one questioner. But we have the Second Amendment, which makes us unique among nations.
And guns aren't necessarily the problem, said Andy. We're not dealing adequately with the issue in several respects:
The celebration of violence in video games, which was even something President Obama spoke about.
The lack of control of gangs and drugs. Are laws as enforced as they should be?
A decrease in religious observance, which you could also consider a lack of morals if you prefer. (My words, not his.)
And while Baltimore "went after their police force," they are "allowing young lives to be destroyed" there. And as an homage to Captain Obvious, Harris said "we will never disarm non-law-abiding citizens."
He had some unkind words about Maryland, too, noting that while the state has universal background checks, they are one of the worst states at reporting mental health issues to the federal government for those checks. Don't do more gun laws if you're not enforcing the ones you have, he said: for example, out of the thousands who knowingly stated falsely they didn't commit a crime - thereby committing perjury on a federal form - only ten of those cases were prosecuted because former AG Eric Holder didn't make it a priority.
Andy's opposition certainly had its say, although to their credit they were reasonably non-disruptive. The only exception was a case where two people objected to Andy's reticence to commit to an hour-long face-to-face meeting with that constituent who disagreed with Andy's stance against Obamacare. The tension got thick when Andy was accused of anti-Semitism for meeting with a "Holocaust denier" as well as chastised for a visit to Hungary to meet with Prime Minister Victor Orban, leader of a "center-right" government. (Harris, a first-generation American whose parents fled Hungary amidst a Communist takeover, leads the Hungarian-American Caucus in Congress.) It's "pretty repulsive to me" to be called anti-Semitic, Harris countered. But the disruptive pair were not escorted out as cooler heads prevailed.
While Harris objects to Obamacare, it should be pointed out that he's for several reforms to Medicare Part B - specifically, the area of prescription drugs administered in a physician's office or hospital where Andy remarked "Medicare has no leverage" to deal with increasing costs. As it stands now, these providers are allowed a 6% surcharge on top of list price reimbursement, as I understand it. (I'll plead ignorance since I am not on Medicare.) Apparently HHS Secretary Alex Azar has a plan to revise this scheme to account for the reduced price other nations pay to allow these drugs into their market - a gatekeeping system Medicare doesn't have. Using a weighted average of the prices charged to 12 other leading industrialized nations plus a 30 percent premium is "a pretty good compromise" according to Harris.
I suppose if the drug cost us $10, the weighted average of the 12 was $5, and the 30% premium added $1.50, yeah, there could be some savings. Of course, I have no idea about the actual numbers.
(It should also be mentioned that opioid addiction was brought up in the meeting. His opinion: "It will take a long time to fix," because the problem isn't just drug companies or overly aggressive doctors. But no one ever did any studies on how addictive these painkillers could be until much more recently.)
A more significant part of the time was spent by Andy explaining his opposition to H.R. 1, the (so-called) For The People Act. "What part did you object to?" he was asked, answering "why not (send up the provisions) one at a time?" rather than a 400-page bill that's been amended several times. "We have to stop doing bills like this," he continued, holding up a copy of the bill that takes up half or more of a ream of paper.
"Really, it's an incumbent protection plan," Harris added, and while in that respect he theoretically should favor it, his primary complaint on it was that "it tells states how to conduct their elections." He wasn't in favor of public financing of elections and had a problem with its oversight provisions, such as voting in other states (as a former opponent of his was caught doing.)
Yet a GOP amendment making "ballot harvesting" illegal was defeated - its main flaw is allowing anyone to bring in ballots, rather than specifically a family member or guardian. I personally see it as a chain of custody issue, and ironically the same technique that turned the tide in several California House races was the reason North Carolina voters in their Ninth District have an upcoming "do-over" in their race, won on election night in 2018 by a Republican. Ballot harvesting is illegal in North Carolina, precisely because of those chain of custody issues.
One last thing I'll bring up is the charge Andy often receives about not having empathy or sympathy. "I take care of patients!" he replied. His job is to pay attention and read the bills, and when it comes to health care it's to maintain coverage of pre-existing conditions and keep insurance affordable. Personally, I just think there are too many people who equate big government with empathy or sympathy but would object to a faith-based solution because it's "pushing their religion on people." To those whose god is government, perhaps I'm tired of you pushing your religion on the rest of us. I'd just like to render unto Caesar only what is supposed to be his and not all of my freedom, too.
But a nice lady had her number called shortly after this and told the audience she had dealt with Congressman Harris's office regarding her mesh implants and thanking him for helping her with the issue. It's one where the public and physician databases need to be better integrated so that doctors can be better informed with real-time reporting and analysis. "Sunlight solves a lot of problems," said Andy.
We also talked about suicide, which was a byproduct of the same culture that's led to so much gun violence. In a nation founded on religious principles, it's no surprise to me that being religious cuts the risk of suicide in half - at least that's what Harris claimed. "If we abandon religion, we abandon some of those (founding) principles," Harris remarked.
I'm certain there were those agnostics in the room who scoffed at that assertion. "There's a separation of church and state!" they thunder, and if there could be a border wall built between the two that's a wall they would support 200 percent and have that sucker built a mile high and twice as deep, halfway to God or Gaia or who/whatever they believe in.
In a letter from John Adams to officers in the Massachusetts militia (October 11, 1798) our second President remarked as a close to a longer point, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." If you presume that "any other" is the irreligious lot we have now, Adams was probably right and, as a group, they tend to be the ones who want to revamp our founding document.
But I get the idea that our Constitution was Divinely inspired, and as such I like to see us hew to it as best we can. While it does need some modern-day tweaking, including a pruning of the amendments ratified in 1913, the Constitution can continue to serve us well if lawmakers just remember their oath to defend it. I think Andy Harris does a reasonable job of that and I'm glad he stopped by.