A timely message from Freedom's Watch
Some of you may know that I get occasional notes from a fine group called Freedom's Watch. With this being Memorial Day weekend, I thought it would be worth sharing their perspective on some recent events involving our troops and how the Democrats really feel about them and their mission.
As Americans take time this Memorial Day to remember those who have given what Lincoln called "the full measure of devotion" to protect our freedoms, here in Washington it is politics as usual - actually, it's even uglier than usual.
Congress this week found time to honor a college basketball team, Arnold Palmer, and Frank Sinatra…but then went home for a two-week vacation without funding American troops in combat, putting even the paychecks of our soldiers in jeopardy.
That's bad enough, now this video surfaces in which Rep. Paul Kanjorski, a leading congressional liberal, admits that Democrats lied to the public on the War in Iraq to win control of Congress. You'll be outraged by what you see.
In response, Freedom's Watch is launching a telephone campaign to inform Americans about Congress' cynical and reckless dereliction of duty and how it's hurting our troops. On our behalf, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan will be calling constituents all across the country telling them what their representatives are up to and asking them to deliver to Congress a simple message: stop playing politics and support the troops!
Yes, they might be robocalls but sometimes the means of bringing the message to the public needs to be more direct, Lord knows this sort of story never finds its way to the drive-by media. We'd never know about the Kanjorski video if it were up to them.
In the meantime, take a few moments this weekend to contemplate those who made the ultimate sacrifice.