A supportive Second Amendment solution
Some days I impress myself. So as not to let good writing go to waste, I'm going to extend some remarks in this forum.
My Congressional representative that I'm saddled with, Lisa Blunt Rochester, came up with this pablum today:
We, as a country, should be ashamed by this graphic. I remain committed to supporting common sense gun violence prevention policies and to ending this scourge.
Social media post by Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, April 16, 2021.
So I wrote this in response (no blockquote here):
The key to "ending this scourge" isn't in "common sense gun violence prevention policies" - at least not those expressed by draconian gun laws that infringe on our rights. Problem is, though, the solution is not a quick fix so you can't run on "doing something about it."
When the value of life is cheapened to that of pixels on a video game and the culture is such that any slight needs to be addressed with getting a gun and shooting someone, that is the problem.
For decades, rural kids grew up around guns and had access to them, but you didn't hear about mass shootings despite their proliferation because they were given a moral foundation that taught respect for life and for others. That's been lost in this world of today, and I think it's the "participation trophy" generation at fault. I grew up in a rural area and have plenty of respect for weapons because I know the damage they can do if misused.
We are not always going to get our way in life. The Indianapolis shooting sounds like many others: a combination of perceived slights and lack of ability to deal with failure or rejection by a troubled young man. He was going to go out in a blaze of glory and take those who he blamed for his problems with him. That's not the fault of millions of law-abiding gun owners who use their guns for self-protection, hunting, etc.
Most of all, we need our guns to keep the government honest. The county sheriff where I used to live openly expressed his refusal to participate in any sort of gun confiscation program, saying he wouldn't send his deputies out on a suicide mission. He was right, and that's why there's a Second Amendment - it makes tyrants think twice.
That may sound like a paranoid way of thinking, but I think I understand human nature and once a government gets a whiff of tyrannical power they don't give it back easily.
I also wanted to add that we have no idea how the perpetrator got his gun and he's not alive anymore to speak to the subject, going out in the "blaze of glory" I referred to above. Something tells me he probably got it legally, falling in the cracks of the system we have due to his young age (although it depends on what he used as a weapon - only rifles and shotguns are legal for purchase for those over 18 but under 21.)
Should we be ashamed by the graphic? Actually, we should because we are failing ourselves as a society when we confuse a means to preserve our life with a means to end those of others. The shame isn't in the tool but in the attitude, since we will never know just how many with access to a gun who got angry or frustrated enough to go out and shoot whoever thought better of it when they remembered the life lesson that death is forever and life can be better tomorrow once the situation blows over. That's what faith is about.
I doubt many of these mass shooters were right with God, but as long as we all breathe life there's always the opportunity to become so. At that point we realize we have a tool for self-defense, feeding the family, and keeping would-be tyrants in line.