A Soros of the right?
Last week former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced the formation of a new political action committee, one in which he would be the honorary chair. As Romney notes:
I have a new organization that I hope will make a difference in preparing our nation to meet the challenges of the future -- the Free and Strong America PAC.
Free and Strong America PAC will support officeholders and candidates who are dedicated to promoting public policies that will strengthen America at this critical time in our history. I invite you to check out our website at FreeStrongAmerica.com to learn more about us and some of the candidates we are supporting. While there, you can sign up for our newsletter, spread the word about us to your friends, and even make a contribution to support our efforts.
I must admit -- it feels good to rejoin the fight. Thanks again for your support and friendship.
I didn't realize Mitt knew me that well. Anyway, the PAC has already selected a number of candidates to get behind, from GOP Presidential standardbearer John McCain to several Congressional incumbents and hopefuls in six states. This list includes:
Dean Andel, CA-11 (candidate vs. Democrat Rep. Jerry McNerney)
Michelle Bachmann, MN-6 (incumbent, 100% lifetime ACU rating)
Tom Feeney, FL-24 (incumbent, 97.6% lifetime ACU rating)
Keith Fimian, VA-11 (candidate for an open seat created by the retirement of Rep. Tom Davis)
Joe Knollenberg, MI-9 (incumbent, 87.29% lifetime ACU rating)
Connie Mack, FL-14 (incumbent, 88% lifetime ACU rating)
Tom Price, GA-6 (incumbent, 89.5% lifetime ACU rating)
Additionally, 4 of the 5 incumbents are members of a group called the Republican Study Committee, which tends to push for legislation in a conservative vein. So it appears that the FSA PAC is off to a pretty good start insofar as supporting good candidates goes. (It's almost by default that you have to support the top of the ticket, so I'll let that slide.) One thing that's not present on the Right nearly as much as on the Left is a group of big-money players. Obviously Mitt Romney, while spending a ton of money on his Presidential aspirations, still has a few dollars in the bank to play with and hopefully he can help bankroll this group and other similar groups much as a George Soros donates to a number of radical left-wing organizations. For every Club For Growth that does donate to solid conservative candidates who favor less government regulation, you have a number of labor unions who coerce their members into paying dues that end up supporting the radical big-government types on the left side of the aisle. Unfortunately, those who have deep pockets tend to prefer that government do all it can to enable those pockets to remain full, whether through tax laws they can buy loopholes around or regulations that favor their businesses (known as rent-seeking.) It's much more rare to find one who wants to create wealth the old-fashioned way, being innovative and working hard to improve their product or service for the market at large. Whether or not you agreed with everything Mitt Romney stood for, it's good to find out he's staying in the political game and making Soros and company spend more of their green to win.