A promise fulfilled and a milestone
On Saturday I promised more pictures and a review from Friday night's show I attended. If the links don't work correctly you can go here as well and follow over to my Myspace blog. It's the more personal side of monoblogue; besides you can listen to Semiblind over there because they do the theme song I selected for my site. I'll be checking them out Saturday night as part of Skip Dixxon's Spring Luau so join me over at the Steer Inn in Ocean Pines.
Or, if you want a different set of young people to hang out with don't forget tonight is the Lower Shore Young Republican Club meeting at the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce building (144 East Main Street), beginning at 7 p.m. It's the same place we meet for the Wicomico County Republican Club, except I suspect at least a portion of the group will make a beeline to someplace more rowdy afterward. Us old folks generally go home after WCRC meetings but I only do that so I can post about them. For now I'm sparing the LSYR's that same posting treatment, but I will plug their meeting for those interested who are 18-40 or close enough for government work like me.
By now someone is reading this and wondering what sort of meds I'm on, going from heavy metal to Republicanism in the space of a paragraph. Well, I'd have to guess people like that sort of thing to at least some extent because like a car odometer today should be the day monoblogue flips the 100,000 mark on readership according to my Site Meter. In reality I've passed the mark already because I didn't start my Site Meter until about six months (and probably a couple thousand readers) after I began this odyssey but it's fun to see just who will be the historic visitor. Yes, I was hoping this would happen a few months earlier but this site's still done better than I honestly expected it would - I was excited by triple-digits in a week when I began, now three digits is an off week.
And on one final note - just one week until I begin that annual monoblogue tradition known as Shorebird of the Week, so be ready!