A new Day in Salisbury?
It was apparent from the start that Jake Day was a guy in a hurry. Not content to learn the ropes as a member of Salisbury City Council, he ascended directly to its leadership. So I'm not really surprised that he made his expected run for mayor of Salisbury official earlier tonight at Headquarters Live.
Yet there are some things which stick out about Day's agenda and record which I find to be of concern. It's possible he may have addressed these in his remarks, since I was not at the event, and he may certainly feel free to comment here. But I would like to know first of all what he plans to do to keep up Salisbury's neighborhoods and not create a city full of red-headed stepchildren to the spoiled brat of downtown. Certainly downtown development has a place in the city's renewal but there are other avenues worth considering too.
Granted, downtown revitalization was Pillar 1, Strategy 1 of his original vision for Salisbury from two years ago but there are about 95% or more of the city's residents who live in the rest of the city so their needs have to be kept in mind as well.
Another question I have is what will become of the "rain tax" he and most of the rest of City Council (save District 3's Jack Heath) voted for last year. What specific projects will the money go to, and is there a point when the job will be completed, negating its need? I understand he has a multi-decade goal in mind, but there are a lot of blanks instead of answers on how to get from point A to point B.
One thing the Daily Times story alludes to is the possibility of a race between Day and current Mayor Jim Ireton; however, I don't see that happening. The simple reason is that if Ireton wanted to secure another term he would have made his intentions known already. I know we have more than a month before the filing deadline but the word on the street is that Ireton wants to switch jobs with Day and run for a County Council seat in his District 4.
If it's a race between Ireton and Day for mayor, certainly the city would be better off with the more even-keeled Day at the helm. Ireton's bullying style is wearing thin.
But I want to keep my powder dry for the time being and see if a more conservative, business-minded candidate emerges. So don't include me in the hoopla surrounding Day just yet.