A million and four too many
I have a friend that's tired of seeing this commercial for Jim Mathias because, as she said, "I feel like I've seen this same Jim Mathias commercial a million and four times already." So it's time for me to expand it and tell you what he's really saying.
The ad cuts through a number of different scenes from around the area. Most of it is shot in a restaurant but there are stills from a number of outdoor scenes, inside a firehouse, and so forth.
The script is rather simple.
Mathias: Hi, I'm Jim Mathias, your Senator. In Annapolis, I make SURE we get heard and get results for the Eastern Shore. I fight for lower taxes and less regulation so our businesses thrive, make money, and hire more people.
When we need to repair a bridge like a Pocomoke, make our roads safer like Route 113, or improve our schools like James M. Bennett, I get the job done. I'm asking you for your vote so that we can continue to preserve our way of life on the Eastern Shore.
So let's go through this a little at a time.
Hi, I'm Jim Mathias, your Senator.
Not by choice, and certainly not by voting record.
In Annapolis, I make SURE we get heard and get results for the Eastern Shore.
That can be taken any number of ways, but based on the fact we have higher unemployment and slower growth than the state as a whole, I'm not sure you're getting them to listen or give us the desired results.
I fight for lower taxes and less regulation so our businesses thrive, make money, and hire more people.
Now wait a second. You've voted for 11 of the 12 total state funding items since you've become Senator - all four operating budgets, all four capital budgets, and three of the four BRFA bills - 2012 being the exception. In that year, you waited until the Special Session to vote for that BRFA, which was the one that shifted teacher pensions to the counties. Seeing as that the budgets you voted for were increases over the previous year, wouldn't it follow that revenue had to come from somewhere?
It seems you don't have a lot of influence on your party since they keep voting for the tax hikes and regulation, yet many of them give you campaign financing. And as I referenced above, when compared to other parts of the state, businesses aren't hiring more people so it's doubtful they're thriving or making money.
When we need to repair a bridge like a Pocomoke...
Interesting you should bring that up. According to the SHA, the Pocomoke River bridge project was paid for by the gas tax increase you opposed, yet it's been in the pipeline for a few years. From the minutes of the Somerset County Roads Commission, November 15, 2011:
Commissioner (Charles F.) Fisher then asked about the status of the Pocomoke River bridge. Mr. Drewer (Donnie Drewer, SHA district engineer) stated that the north bound side deck will be replaced and a latex overlay will be placed over the south bound lanes. The project is slated to be funded with FY2013-2014 funding.
FY2013 began July 1, 2012, so the project ended up being almost two years behind schedule.
It's noted that Mathias was present at that Somerset County meeting so if he was fighting as hard as he states, wouldn't that bridge be finished by now? Instead, the SHA added it to their FY2013-18 plan, which reveals that of the $17.2 million cost, the federal government covers almost $13.8 million. (Page 447 of this exceedingly large file shows it.) So maybe Andy Harris deserves more credit.
...make our roads safer like Route 113...
This is a project which has spanned decades, with original studies dating from the 1970s and off-and-on construction over the last 20 years. So there's not much Mathias has really done for it. It's actually been dedicated to the man Mathias was appointed to replace in the House, Bennett Bozman.
...or improve our schools like James M. Bennett, I get the job done.
Actually, much of the money for improving the Bennett Middle School - which I assume is the one he's talking about since the high school was under construction when he became Senator - comes from Wicomico County taxpayers, who are the recipients of millions in debt to build the new school after two members of Wicomico County Council caved to a vocal support group and changed their initial vote against the bonds. The state money wasn't coming until the Council bowed to the "Bennett babes."
The job that was done was placing those children who will eventually attend the new BMS in debt.
I'm asking you for your vote so that we can continue to preserve our way of life on the Eastern Shore.
There are a lot of things worth preserving on the Eastern Shore. But for all the rhetoric, I come back to something I wrote four years ago when Mathias took advantage of the retirement of Republican Senator Lowell Stoltzfus to jump from the House to the Senate:
There’s a reason that I get day after day of mailings from Jim Mathias explaining how, despite his Baltimore roots, he’s an Eastern Shore conservative at heart (today it’s being against "liberals" and for the death penalty.) Annapolis Democrats wouldn’t be backing him if he weren’t useful to them – they know the score and the fact they need Republicans to have fewer than 19 Senate seats to keep them meaningless. He will be no such thing as a loose cannon.
In order for the state of Maryland to be a true two-party state and keep in check the appetite of the liberals who have been running our state into the ground for God knows how long, Republicans need to maintain at least 2/5 of the Senate, or 19 of the 47 seats. (Getting 19 Senate seats is paramount because that can sustain a filibuster.) The GOP got to 14 seats in 2006, only to lose two in 2010 - one of them being to Jim Mathias. Prior to that, the 38th District Senate seat had been Republican for nearly 30 years, which matched the conservative nature of the district.
I won't deny that Jim Mathias has a more moderate voting record than most Democrats in Maryland, and on certain issues he will vote with Republicans, such as overt tax increases or the gun law. But these seem to be the exceptions to the rule, and now Jim is casting himself as someone who got pork for the district. Going along to get along, with the exception of votes where the hall pass to vote against the party line because the votes are already there, is one thing.
But in order to "preserve our way of life on the Eastern Shore" we need a reliable conservative voice to reflect the conservative area and that's not Jim Mathias.