A MDGOP Fall Convention preview
It's been awhile since I was entitled to go to the state convention, but what a few hundred Wicomico County voters tried to do was undone by a much smaller number last month, so I have returned like the prodigal son.
My first convention back will be in Solomons, which as I recall was the home of my favorite convention, the spring 2012 one where we elected Nicolee Ambrose as National Committeewoman in a contentious vote over Audrey Scott. This one will probably not have the same amount of angst, although we may see issues with the three bylaw amendments on the docket.
The first is a lengthy proposal to create a process for Central Committees to fill legislative vacancies. After the debacles we saw last year as Governor Hogan picked members of the General Assembly to fill out his cabinet and lead departments, it became a priority to come up with a way of doing so lest the General Assembly take our power away (which still could happen.)
In a nutshell, the amendment allows a county to create its own process but leaves as a default the state-prescribed method. In looking it over briefly, the fight may be over the call to submit "name(s)" to the Governor, as some would prefer the Central Committee submit just one name as was custom until the most recent round of appointments.
That controversy led to the second bylaws amendment, which a perverse sort of "loser pays" arrangement for entities taking legal action against the state party, just like Carroll County did last year. I think this one will create the loudest arguments, to be honest.
Third is a proposal to give the Maryland Black Republican Council full voting status on the Executive Committee. If so, they would join the Maryland Federation of Republican Women, the Maryland Federation of Young Republicans, and the Maryland Federation of College Republicans as voting members of that committee. (Conversely, the Teenage Republicans and Heritage Council are non-voting members.) As I recall, we had a lot of rancor about giving the YRs and CRs an Executive Committee vote a couple years ago, in a voice vote that was literally cast as we were being ushered out the door. So we'll see.
The one resolution that I'm aware of (barring others introduced from the floor for our consideration) deals with the redistricting commission, so that should be no issue. I don't think there's 10 percent of the party that likes the way we do it now.
But all work and no play makes Republicans a cranky bunch. Fortunately, unlike the last couple conventions I attended, we will have no shortage of hospitality suites to check out.
A list sent out by the state party shows no less than a dozen different suites. While the host counties of Calvert and St. Mary's and Montgomery County have their parties, the headlining parties will be competing affairs between supporters of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Not to be left out, all three major U.S. Senate hopefuls - Richard Douglas, Chrys Kefalas, and Kathy Szeliga, who is piggybacking with Congressman Andy Harris - will have suites on separate floors. Add in local Congressional candidate Charles "Sam" Faddis and the aforementioned Black Republican Council, throw in a couple wild card suites, and it should be a fun evening tonight.
Naturally some of the conservative blogosphere will be there, so we'll see what sort of coverage we can drum up. Whether the era of good feelings brought on by Larry Hogan's election will subside this time or wait until spring when we elect a new National Committeeman and National Committeewoman along with slates of convention delegates and alternates remains to be seen.
For now I'm just going to enjoy the moment because, I hate to admit, I sort of missed these gatherings during my hiatus. Glad to be back.