A jam-packed day
It was a day of hot and cold running politicians.
Obviously a lot of them made the scene at the grand opening and ribbon cutting for the local Republican headquarters, with most making their way to the Wicomico County Republican Club Crab Feast held this afternoon.
But quite a few made it a bipartisan event at the St. Francis carnival held in Salisbury. State's Attorney Matt Maciarello was all over the event but also seen were Mike and Julie Brewington, County Executive hopeful Joe Ollinger, and fellow County Executive candidate Tom Taylor working the wheel for the church. That was just in the few hours I spent there tonight. Nice carnival, by the way.
I think I'm going to hold the pictures and text for tonight since I plan on attending Chris Lewis's Sharptown event tomorrow. This way I can make it one nicely wrapped package.
I also have other political items on the back burner which will become posts, so don't fret. I took last week off to some extent because of personal business, but I think next week I'll be back to normal.