A great change
Some of you who have stuck with this website through thick and thin know I also moonlight on the side for a website called the Patriot Post. Each week my editor Nate sends me a story idea (or two or three) which I turn into one of the articles in the week's Digest, which used to come out every Friday.
But one recent change now means the Digest comes out three times a week as it added elements formerly found in what were known as the Brief and the Chronicle, which came out Monday and Wednesday, respectively. So today's edition was the Monday Digest.
The other change which was made was to their website, which now allows each individual article to be looked up rather than having to go through the whole thing to find my piece. (It's not like I don't know what I wrote, although at times it's edited judiciously due to events which may have happened after I sent in my draft.) So it's with pleasure I can now steer you to the piece I wrote for Friday's Digest, but was bumped to today thanks to all that went on in Syria. (It wasn't necessarily time sensitive.)
So for those who have asked what I do for that newsletter, on occasion I just might share with you some of my better posts. But I would also encourage you to read the rest of it because there's 30 or so people like me who do the job of putting it all together, with no advertising and only the support of freewill donations which mainly go to pay their full time staff and keep their lights on. (All that is probably cheaper in Tennessee, where the Patriot Post is based.)
And because I tend to write on the same subject a number of times over a long period - Nate and I have sort of a running joke about how often I've written something about the Chevy Volt, for example - having the individual article links available will eventually make my job there easier, as I'm sure it will for the other writers as well. I know I'll be taking advantage of it as I can.
And now for something completely different...
I'm rarely linked by Len Lazarick and the Maryland Reporter website, but I can't help but think that some of the impetus behind this piece he wrote came from something I penned just the other day. Certainly I'm not crying plagiarism, I just thought the timing was pretty good as he had an opportunity to make a point along the same lines as mine. Great minds think alike?
But Len probably noticed as well that, having been to several events where Charles has spoken, I can testify that he has a compelling manner that plays well with an audience. David Craig is a nice guy but I almost see him as the Mitt Romney of the race - and we all know how Mitt fared once he got out of his primary.
There's also some other questions turning in my mind about the top-ticket race, and over the next few days I'll see how I can answer them. Be looking.