A funny thing happened on the way to the forum
First of all, happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, including mine I spoke to earlier this afternoon.
For the last month I have been operating under a handicap; one which is now (mostly) resolved. My formerly trusty laptop ran into a number of issues which required professional intervention and there was a point where I was afraid I had lost all my monoblogue Accountability Project work. Fortunately, I got everything back and hope to get the mAP released this week; perhaps as soon as Tuesday.
It also means I can move forward on my next project - issue-based dossiers on the GOP presidential hopefuls. I've determined which platform planks are the most important on my docket so over the next few weeks I'll share how I make my decision on who to back for 2016.
So consider this fair warning. It's been a hectic week with a lot on my plate but now I'm thinking I'm ready to start looking forward to 2016 - not only in a Presidential sense but also the contested primary for First District Congress and the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barb Mikulski. Summer is usually a slack time for the political but the year before a presidential election can be an exception.
Oh, and look for more from my cohort Cathy Keim this week as well.