A "distinction without a difference"
I've gotten quite a bit of response about my post condemning the NRCC for "endorsing" Wayne Gilchrest this early in the campaign season. In fact, my article was linked on the national blog redstate.com, which I thought was pretty sweet.
And this afternoon I got a call from Chris Meekins of the Harris campaign, who pointed out that the endorsement was a personal one given by Rep. Cole and not a blanket NRCC one. But I also think that someone from the Gilchrest campaign is certainly earning his or her money (could it be Kathy Bassett, wife of Daily Times editor Greg Bassett?) by writing the press releases in a truthful yet thisclose to misleading fashion. Imagine these two headlines:
"Gilchrest Endorsed By Fellow Congressman And NRCC Chairman Tom Cole"
"NRCC Chairman Endorses Gilchrest Re-Election Bid"
They say the same thing, but the second one makes it sound like the weight of the NRCC is behind the endorsement. Obviously it fooled me, and I'm likely more of a student of politics than the average Joe reading his daily paper.
So the argument is that it's only Cole and not the NRCC apparatus behind the endorsement. Well, if you'll indulge me going across party lines for a few sentences, I got an e-mail from the Martin O'Malley campaign machine inviting me to an organizational meeting for the Hillary Clinton campaign. (Yes, I'm on e-mail lists for both parties under a separate address. That way I can keep up with both sides for election coverage.)
If the average person gets an e-mail from the Governor pressing a particular campaign, is there any doubt that the marching orders for party underlings aren't going to be to push for that candidate too? The Maryland Democrat Party machine is going to be lock, stock, and barrel working for Hillary regardless of how particular Democrats feel. The same goes for the Democrats running for the First Congressional District seat - obviously having O'Malley's support means the machine's in for Frank Kratovil over Christopher Robinson and any others who decide to run on that side.
Above all, it's quoted in the redstate.com post that "the NRCC is first and foremost an incumbent retention committee." So regardless of the merits of a candidate or the failings of the incumbent the policy stated by this particular member of the NRCC is that they'll throw the challengers under the bus. Hopefully Andy Harris will be able to avoid the Greyhound coming at him.