A comment truly worth posting
I know I'm playing the tit for tat game here, but there wasn't much in the news that I could come up with a unique angle about and after one recent comment it's good to know that I have friends too:
And your blog is such a wonderful font of useful information Albero? I looked, as far as I could tell it was flooded with worthless posts about local Wicomico area events and snarky attacks on individuals. You had a single piece on a national issue that was immediately visible, and that was George Carlin’s death.
Suffice to say, but your blog is worthless. I’d much rather read here, regardless of its readership levels since it actually offers evidence, insight, and analysis. Perhaps if you’d take a break from the rapid fire, empty-air postings you could come up with something half as intelligent.
Yeah, it's a cheap shot (especially since Joe doesn't create every post) and I'm definitely lowering myself to subterranian levels by playing this game, but it feels good to do so once in awhile. As for the group of anti-Albero bloggers to which I supposedly belong, I'm going to make one request of the folks who run the Pro-Maryland Gazette, and that is to tighten up the discourse commenting on any of my crossposts there. I don't care if folks have a problem with the arguments I make, but leave the nasty personal attacks on Albero out of the comments. Certainly there's enough on Salisbury News to be critical about without making accusations about Joe that I find pretty disgusting myself.
All right, now I feel better. Time to get back into stuff which really matters again.