A brief return
Because I thought you might be tired of music reviews...just a couple things on the agenda you might want to look out for:
Governor Larry Hogan is basically all that is standing in the way between you and getting your hot little hands (or cold, big hands - it really doesn't matter to me) on the 2018 monoblogue Accountability Project for Maryland. He has until May 31 to decide what he will do with a few bills that I used which have not been dealt with yet - chances are none of them will be vetoed, but I prefer having things all official-like when I put the mAP out. So the target date for release is June 4.
That's one thing which has been taking up my time. The other is doing some editing of my book, which is coming along a little more slowly than I thought it would - however, it's to (hopefully) impress a particular literary agent a new acquaintance of mine recommended. I'm still hoping to go that route with the book even though I could probably do a fair job self-publishing it as it is. But this gentleman was intrigued by the concept of a TEA Party history written from a right-leaning perspective as most prior books have looked at it from the Left - however, I think he has a slightly different take on it that I do so I also want to make sure my arguments are sharp. Thus, I've added a handful of resources here and there.
The bad news (if you don't like my music reviews) is that I have a couple more lined up, just needing to actually listen to the album in question a couple times and write the review. Since the client makes it worth my time, though, I don't mind too much (especially when the songs are good.)
I know that I've really let this blog go over the last couple years, but the book and my other projects just keep finding their way to the front of the priority list. Maybe as the election draws closer I'll have more to say, but frankly this primary is boring and I'm ready for it to be over. When it takes the sudden demise of one of the candidates on the ballot to move the news needle, the primary season isn't very newsworthy.
That, my friends and readers, is your quick update.