A 1st District candidate goes positive
He may not have a ton of campaign cash to air the ad, but I like the idea:
In an effort to help clean up the race for Congress in Maryland’s First District, Judge Robert Joseph Banks’ campaign will begin airing a positive radio ad this month. His message comes hot on the heels of the scandal involving the endorsement of Congressman Wayne Gilchrest by fictitious gay rights’ group Progressive Marylanders for Social Justice, alleged in the Baltimore Sun (in a January 16 column by Laura Vozzella) to be an Andy Harris "smear campaign" tactic. Prior to that, Banks himself was accused by the Harris Campaign to have thrown his hat in the ring at the request of Congressman Gilchrest to dilute support for Harris. Judge Banks’ ad offers "an alternative to the tired old rhetoric of promised change." He touts his pro-life stance, opposition to amnesty for illegal aliens, his support for our troops in their fight against the War on Terror, and pledges to vote against every tax increase.
Judge Banks also reminds his opponents of President Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." He has repeatedly vowed to support the winning candidate and maintains that his bid in this race is to ensure that the Congressional seat "remains red."
He goes on to say, "If the Party is going to gain any ground in the state of Maryland, we need give up these little turf battles and come together. Further fracturing our Party only hurts us in the long run. The Democrats kiss and make up the morning after election night – why can’t we do the same?"
I received the text of the radio ad as well.
Can we talk for a moment?
Just you and me.
I’d like to talk about the race for Congress in the First District. Have you noticed all the negative campaigning - all of those horrible, mud-slinging attack ads?
There is an alternative to the politics as usual – an alternative to the tired old rhetoric of promised change. Elect Judge Robert Joseph Banks to Congress. That’s me, by the way.
I am the only Eastern Shore native in the race. I was born and raised (in) Earleville and spent most of my life in Cecil County. Governor Bob Ehrlich appointed me an Orphans Court Judge in 2006.
I am a pro-life candidate who is the father of three beautiful girls. I do not support amnesty for illegals. Furthermore, OUR families should be given tuition breaks at our public colleges, not illegals. I will vote against every tax increase. Most importantly, I support our men and women in uniform – here and abroad. They sacrifice every day fighting the Global War on Terror.
There – you CAN air a positive political message! I am Judge Robert Joseph Banks and I ask you for your vote in the Republican Primary on February 12th.
You know, I hope they didn't forget the disclaimer on the ad. The opening sounds like it might be a bit creepy but overall it's a good message that should appeal to GOP voters who haven't decided on their guy yet, problem is it may be too little and too late.
There are a couple facts though that do beg the question about the accusation of Banks jumping into the race to dilute support for Andy Harris. According to the data supplied to the state Board of Elections, Banks claims an address that is actually located in the Third District. And at the time he filed for the First District seat, no Republican had yet filed to run in the Third District - presumably Banks would have had a clear advantage as the first GOP representative in the field, one who had served in public office. Maybe Brian Griffiths would have been spared his complaint about the Third District situation.
But I appreciate whoever put me on the mailing list for getting this, it gives me another opportunity to inform voters of all their choices on February 12th.
Speaking of Republican choices, it's come to my attention that several Kent and Queen Anne's County Republican groups have put together a Republican Candidates' Forum to be held Sunday, January 27th at Washington College in Chestertown from 2-4 p.m. So I would expect Judge Banks to be there along with several of his GOP cohorts since it's a good location for them. Think I may have to take a ride up myself - they were smart and scheduled this on the off week before Super Bowl Sunday!