2020 gubernatorial dossier: Social Issues
This is the second part of a series taking a deeper dive into various important topics in the 2020 Delaware gubernatorial election. On the 100-point scale I am using to grade candidates, social issues are worth 8 points.
This section of the dossier has been revised and updated to reflect the general election field.
Normally these will be presented in the order of Republican, Libertarian, Independent Party of Delaware (IPoD), and Democrat, who in all cases are incumbents, but this time I'm changing up for editorial license.
Delaware has a reputation as a "blue" state, and as such they have embraced two things that are wrong with our culture: abortion and same-sex "marriage." While the federal courts have now spoken on both subjects, wresting control of these away from the states where it properly belongs, only two of our four candidates have acted on the subject - unfortunately, they either advocate for or have signed legislation working in the wrong direction.
As the two women in the field, I would be curious to know the views of Republican Julianne Murray and IPoD's Kathy DeMatteis. But I can't give them points for nothing.
Libertarian John Machurek stated that he considers himself pro-choice, but would require parental consent for minors and not publicly fund them. Essentially it's the inverse of the Democrats' view. He also believed that anti-discrimination laws can be a "slippery slope" but equal marriage should be a Constitutional right. So he gets 0 points out of 8.
Democrat Governor John Carney signed pro-abortion legislation in June 2017 and is on record for supporting gay "marriage" so he gets 0 points out of 8, too.
I'd love to know how the others in the field would stack up to this, but I suspect most wouldn't touch the subject with a ten-foot pole because they're being advised to avoid social issues. That's not my advice, though: as always, make the case as to why it's in the recipient's advantage to have these laws.
Because of this lack of action, the standings remain the same: Machurek 3, DeMatteis 2.5, Murray 1, Carney 0.
But they won't for long: more people join the fray on my next part, which covers law enforcement and the judicial system.