2016 dossier: Second Amendment
Unfortunately, the Second Amendment continues to be under assault from those who misinterpret its meaning to believe the "well regulated militia" is the National Guard and that the only ones who should have guns are the police and military (except when the latter are on base, of course.)
So the question for me is relatively cut and dried; my job is to determine how well these candidates would lead on reversing this trend if they were elected president. No more talk of a so-called "assault weapons" ban, but instead encouraging states to allow reciprocal concealed carry and convincing Congress to roll back the existing gun laws. What part of "shall not infringe" do they not understand? You'd think they were on the Supreme Court with their poor understanding of law and the Constitution.
Anyway, this category is worth up to six points and those who wish to make us more free to defend ourselves from whatever comes along score better than those who say, "well, maybe except for this instance" or "you know they were talking about muskets back then, not AR-15s."
Ted Cruz is one of those who gets that. He's been a staunch defender of Second Amendment rights, features his record prominently on his campaign website, and correctly notes that it's not just about self-defense. My very minor complaint regards some provisions in this bill he co-sponsored with Senator Grassley a couple years ago - for one, the "Cruz Task Force" may be a little overbearing.
Total score for Cruz - 5.8 of 6.
Rand Paul gets the same score as Cruz, but for a different reason. Even though the District of Columbia is in the wrong regarding its gun laws, it does seem a little hypocritical that Rand is trying to block their laws through Congressional action. If it wasn't good enough for Andy Harris to do it on the marijuana issue, then Rand Paul should not either. But he's actually more strident on gun rights than even the NRA, correctly noting that mass shootings could be stopped (or even prevented) by armed citizens. It's also interesting that he equates the Second Amendment with the Fourth Amendment.
Total score for Paul - 5.8 of 6.
Mike Huckabee talks a lot about defending the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners, and he gets the idea that it's there to defend our liberty. Presumably he would also not stand in the way of enhanced carrying laws based on his assessment of the Dylann Roof situation. Plus he owns several AR-15s, and while the Left made light of that pencil analogy it really is true. In a lot of ways, Mike gets it and hopefully he can lead on the issue. My only concern is he would simply play defense as opposed to pushing back the frontiers of ignorance on the issue like those above him are doing.
Total score for Huckabee - 5.4 of 6.
Just slightly below my top tier as well is Marco Rubio. While he also is steadfast on the Second Amendment being there for self-protection - and walks the walk as a gun owner and concealed-carry permit holder who would like to see reciprocity - there are limits to how far he takes the Second Amendment. The Undetectable Firearms Act is simply a method to keep otherwise law-abiding citizens unarmed in an era where 3-D printing technology is now able to create firearms made of the resin used in that process. Again, please refer to "shall not infringe."
Total score for Rubio - 5.3 of 6.
I wish I had a little more on the plans Bobby Jindal has for America regarding the Second Amendment, since he doesn't cover them on his campaign site. However, if he is as active a supporter for gun-friendly reforms as President as he was as governor, we would be in fine shape. Even the restriction he added allows for its removal when appropriate.
And while he doesn't put in the same terms as Cruz or Paul, Jindal has a fairly good understanding of the importance of the Second Amendment. So he's right up among the highest tier hopefuls with a score over 5.
Total score for Jindal - 5.2 of 6.
Much like Jindal, Jeb Bush has a solid pro-gun record as governor, which he touts with regularity unlike Bobby. (I like the quote about the Second Amendment being the original Homeland Security in the last piece.) But I worry about expansion of instant background checks that Bush favored. It's only based on his state track record that he ranks as highly as he does, as Bush is silent on the issue on his campaign site.
Total score for Bush - 4.8 of 6.
Maybe the one thing I don't like about Lindsey Graham and his approach is the defensive posture. I'm glad you will stand against further intrusions on our rights, but the jury is still out with me on the incremental approach coming back. A couple things stand out in his favor, though: advocating for concealed carry reciprocity and understanding that home defense may require more firepower, much as the idiots on the Left may snicker.
Yet he criticized Ted Cruz for making a similar remark about protecting liberty. Since I have a sheriff who knows confiscating guns is a suicide mission, I have to come down on Cruz's side. That is why Graham is looking up at him in my rankings.
Total score for Graham - 4.8 of 6.
Like Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush, Scott Walker has loosened the gun restrictions in his state over his time in office. But while he has claimed on separate occasions that he is "a firm defender of the Second Amendment" and is "proud to stand up" for it, I don't see the forceful advocacy and bully pulpit ability that we need, so he ranks a little below the upper tier.
Total score for Walker - 4.8 of 6.
What passes for a Second Amendment record for Rick Perry is really a batch of peripheral issues - all nice, and feathers in any governor's cap, but not necessarily moving the ball down the field. (Although, clarification on Castle Doctrine is important.) And while he's for concealed carry even in schools, he's not as big on open carry. Maybe there's logic to that, but why stand in the way of a state? If you don't want to carry openly, you don't have to - unfortunately, due to a politically motivated indictment, Perry can't carry legally right now anyway. I think Rick would be okay, but not as good as others.
Total score for Perry - 4.2 of 6.
As someone who claims the Second Amendment is there to protect the First, I was dismayed to find no reference to the issue on the Rick Santorum campaign website. I know Rick feels that an armed America is a safer America - which I believe is correct - but was disappointed to read that we have "reasonable accommodations in place" when it comes to gun laws. No, we really don't - "shall not be infringed" is very clear language to me as a reasonable accommodation.
Total score for Santorum - 3.2 of 6.
Honestly, I don't know what to make about Ben Carson. There are times (as well as on his website) where he at least says the right things, and as we all know he has no voting record on the issue to glean information from. But he's also stated that "assault weapons" should only be available for rural Americans before trying to walk back and further clarify where he stands.
Maybe he is "evolving" on the issue, but something tells me that he would work his way to the wrong side if elected.
Total score for Carson - 3.0 of 6.
Because Carly Fiorina has only run for office once, in 2010, we don't have a lot from her. In her California Senate race, she came out against the assault weapons ban that was being discussed at the time, correctly noting that the features gun control advocates thought were dangerous were instead harmless. That was good, but in the story it's also reported she would take a "wait and see" approach on further bans.
So while she claims to be a Second Amendment supporter, she didn't elaborate on this when she had the best opportunity to do so. That's rather alarming to me.
Total score for Fiorina - 2.8 of 6.
Perhaps Donald Trump has evolved over the last 15 years, but the guy who once called for an assault weapons ban is now claiming our Second Amendment rights are being taken away. As he gets farther down the campaign trail, I hope we get more clarity on his hawkish views on guns, including which infringements would be eliminated. At this juncture I hear only platitudes as other issues are being lost with the Donald's immigration remarks. More on that in a future installment.
Total score for Trump - 1.2 of 6.
Postscript 9/27: Trump has a Second Amendment position paper now, which vaults him 3.5 points to 4.7 points.
Chris Christie is not what you would call a friend of the Second Amendment. He did little to reverse New Jersey's draconian gun laws, which are so extreme innocent drivers face prison time, but at least realized that more wouldn't help him become president. Now it's about the "right balance." But nobody is being fooled by Christie's changing stance. Still, he's against concealed carry and so-called "assault weapons," so electing him would be a step backwards for gun advocates.
Total score for Christie - 0.5 of 6.
George Pataki took advantage of tragedy to push through what was then billed as the nation's strictest gun control laws, adding "we hope other states follow." Now he believes states should put limits on gun use. I will give him a modicum of credit for believing we need no new gun laws, but that stance may change with the next headlining incident.
Total score for Pataki - 0.1 of 6.
Next in line, for seven points, is the world of energy. I suspect this will provide some separation as gas prices haven't been the issue in recent months, so not all candidates are speaking out on the issue. But I'll see what I can dig up on it.