2010 MDGOP Fall Convention in pictures and text (part 2)
And now we resume coverage (Part 1 is here) with a cold, crisp Saturday morning. Actually, the cold felt sort of good since I needed to wake up a bit after just a few hours of sleep.
If I turned around 180 degrees I'd see something like this, as candidates greeted Saturday arrivals with their pitch.
We didn't have a breakfast speaker this time, but during breakfast I did have the pleasure of finally getting to meet Ann Corcoran of Potomac TEA Party Report. She was there as a proxy for another in her county and to help man the table for theĀ Conservative Action Network, which has an upcoming event.
I also ran into Chair candidate Mike Esteve, who was the lone hopeful I didn't catch with my camera Friday night.
After breakfast we crowded into the main ballroom.
I must say whoever decided on this setup needs to return to Seat Arrangement 101. The worst part was not having a center row, although being placed in the back wasn't all that great either. Guess it was our turn.
We had a very popular guest speaker, however. (Being in the back did no wonders for my photography.)
Congressman-elect Andy Harris praised Audrey Scott for being the "key to victories around the state" and reminded us of where we were just two years ago and how far we've come. We're not a regional party as some predicted nor is Reagan conservatism dead. "87 freshmen are living proof that American conservatism is alive and well," Andy said.
Yet we have to win back Americans' trust by being innovative, efficient, and willing to listen, added Harris. "Government must first do no harm."
He vowed to support across-the-board budget cuts, a total earmark ban, and no new taxes as his agenda. "We don't want the government to put a limit on our hopes and dreams," Andy concluded to a standing ovation.
While Delegate Tony O'Donnell named the names of all 16 new Republican members of the House of Delegates and applauded our six seat gain in his report, he set his sights higher. "It's possible to get 28 seats in 2014," O'Donnell opined. We have to start recruiting now to reach that magic 71 number for the first time since at least Reconstruction, Tony noted.
Senator Allan Kittleman was a little less optimistic about GOP hopes, but did state the case that, "there's not a whole lot of trust in the (state) government." In a veiled reference to a former chair, Allan added "we had a hard few years there (in the General Assembly.)"
Giving the county report, Harford County Executive David Craig compared our fate to that of a familiar team.
"Being a Republican in Maryland is a lot like being an Orioles fan," he noted wistfully, but we were developing the farm team to win. We have a base to start from with all the local successes, even though they occurred in smaller counties. At this time (and Wicomico reflects this as I said the other day) there are more Republican elected officials at the county level than Democratic ones. Still, "we need to help those people out" in areas like Prince George's County and other Democratic strongholds.
As seems to often happen, we had to do some shuffling around of the itinerary because the Credentials Committee had its hands full with latecomers and proxies. So we next heard the Chair's Report.
While being Chair "wasn't on her radar" about 16 months ago, Audrey Scott called the post the "experience of a lifetime" and a "labor of love."
"We have come a long way" in her tenure, she said, but also believed that our message was sound. It was embodied in a recent experience she had with Newt Gingrich, who expounded on the theme of jobs vs. foodstamps. O'Malley and Obama "just don't get it." Speaking of O'Malley, she praised MDGOP's Ryan Mahoney as being "solely responsible" for uncovering his jobs coverup last August.
And while she claimed to inherit a party a quarter-million dollars in debt and staff unpaid for months, she said the party raised $1.15 million this year, including 'Victory' money from the national GOP. (Later Chris Rosenthal said the non-Victory total was about $893,000.) It was fortunate we had Michael Steele as the RNC chair, she continued, saying "Steele deserves to be re-elected."
While she later joked, "I have lots of critics," she asked that we "never, ever again...begin an election year in debt" because "the enemy is the Democrats." (And, if I may add again, there is no bag limit.)
Later, we got other reports which basically repeated what was said Friday night to the Executive Committee from National Committeewoman Joyce Terhes, National Committeeman Louis Pope, and Treasurer Chris Rosenthal.
One issue I had was with the Rules Committee. Why some counties continue to slit their own throat is beyond me, but we retained the 'compromise' voting system which has plagued us over the last two years on a 196-69 vote, exceeding the 2/3 majority needed. Wicomico went 4 in favor, 5 against and was joined by Allegany County, Baltimore City, and Montgomery County as counties in opposition. I've got an idea to end that mess once and for all!
Thus, my counts (which are based strictly on 'one man, one vote') aren't exactly correct, but should be reasonably close.
Which brings us to the Chair election.
It was a LONG process, as nominees and seconders had several minutes to speak before the candidates did. Notable quotes from each contender:
William Campbell believed that "all Republicans have the same values...we are conservative." He also told us, "if we don't unify we will be irrelevant" and alluded to his fiscal conservatism by alluding, "when I squeeze a nickel Jefferson ends up in the library in Monticello."
Mike Esteve noted as a Prince George's County Republican "I want my vote to count." The Baltimore TEA Party he helped to organize was an "indication that things had changed forever." He also suggested adopting charitable efforts in impoverished neighborhoods as they would pay dividends down the road as far as minority voting goes and chided the infighting among Republicans - "if you could measure infighting in blood the state would be red from end to end."
Asking "are you proud to be a Republican?" Sam Hale stressed his grassroots background, but also had a good idea for subscription-based fundraising. If just 1/3 of 1% of the party's registered voters pledged $25 per month the party could raise $75,000 per month - enough to cover expenses and salt some aside for candidates.
Mary Kane pointed out things we're doing better than the Democrats and vowed, "I plan to be honest and transparent for each and every one of you." Our "opinion diversity" defined the word and she would welcome all opinions. Moreover, no longer could the MDGOP be a "one-man show" and, if she was successful, "we will show up in places we're not expected."
Alex Mooney was raised to fight for freedom as the son of a Cuban refugee. He was frustrated by not only his close Senate race loss, but three other races where the GOP losers received 49% of the vote (including Michael James in District 38.) We can't ask our candidates to devote a year or more of their lives to a race and not back them financially, Mooney said.
Our delegation split 7-1-1, with the seven being Mooney and one each for Kane and Hale (me.) Alex carried 12 counties (Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Charles, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Montgomery, Washington, Wicomico, and Worcester) while Mary Kane won majority support in six (Calvert, Caroline, Howard, Kent, Queen Anne's, and Talbot.) Meanwhile, Campbell won three (Dorchester, Prince George's, and St. Mary's) and Hale carried Cecil County. Baltimore City and Somerset ended up split between Mooney and Kane.
The 'one man, one vote' totals: Mooney 116, Kane 87, Campbell 25, Hale 24, and Esteve 13. Mooney was closest to a majority but couldn't receive it through either tabulation.
Obviously, having won no counties and just a handful of votes, Mike Esteve dropped out after the first round and endorsed Mary Kane. Then William Campbell decided enough was enough and bowed out.
Despite impasssioned pleas of "no!!" from supporters, just before the second ballot Sam Hale also gave in and endorsed Alex Mooney.
With so few more votes needed the second ballot was relatively anticlimactic, with Mooney winning the actual count 164-97. Sixteen counties went for Mooney (Allegany, Baltimore, Carroll, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Montgomery, Prince George's, Somerset, St. Mary's, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, and Worcester.) We were a 7-2 group as I switched to Mooney but someone else switched from Mooney to Kane.
The next two races were relative walkovers: Diana Waterman was elected 1st Vice Chair with 160 votes, easily outdistancing Moshe Starkman with 57 and Debbie Rey with 47. (We all supported Diana in Wicomico.)
In the 2nd Vice-Chair contest, Larry Helminiak emerged victorious with 151 votes while Brandon Butler (the incumbent) had 78 and Debbie Rey finished with 30. (Wicomico split 5-3 for Helminiak over Butler, I voted for Larry - who I nominated.)
A controversy erupted in the already-crowded 3rd Vice-Chair race when a supporter of Eric Grannon claimed his paperwork was in order aside from a minor error. Chair Alex Mooney allowed him to be on the ballot, making it a six-way race.
Grannon was the leader after the first ballot, gathering 109 votes. Patt Parker was second with 55, followed by Brian Griffiths with 34, Adol Owen-Williams with 32, Debbie Rey with 21, and Collins Bailey with 11. The bottom three finishers all decided to withdraw after that ballot, leaving three for the second ballot. (We in Wicomico split four ways, withĀ five votes for Grannon, two for Owen-Williams, and one each for Parker and Griffiths (mine.)
Eric easily won the second ballot with 191 votes to Parker's 47 and Griffiths' 19. We had seven Grannon votes with the Parker and Griffiths tallies.
But the addition of Grannon left a bad taste with at least one competitor, who fumed thatĀ the victorĀ should have been left off the ballot. "It's a story for you," he said.
We had an easy ballot next since Chris Rosenthal was unopposed for treasurerĀ - Mark Uncapher of Montgomery County announced he was dropping out Friday.
Almost as easy was John Wafer's win for secretary, where he overwhelmed the field with 210 votes to 35 for Nora Keenan and 13 for Alfred Griffin. (We all went for Wafer.)
But we weren't done voting yet - there were four resolutions on the table.
Somerset County was allowed to expand its Central Committee to nine by unanimous voice vote.
The most controversial resolution was to "highly encourage" the RNC to "highly recommend" that early primary states New Hampshire, Iowa, and South Carolina close theirĀ RepublicanĀ primaries or caucuses to registered Republicans only. Since the Chair couldn't determine the intent of a voice vote, it passed a roll call 116-87, with Wicomico 6-1 in favor (I voted yes.)
We asked Chairman Mooney to appoint an ad hoc bylaws committee by almost unanimous voice vote. Our county chair Dave Parker submitted this resolution.
We honored Richard Taylor, former National Commiteeman from 1983-2004, by unanimous voice vote.
Finally, just after 3:00, we ate the lunch scheduled for 12:30. Louis Pope gave the edited presentation familiarizing the new Central Committee members with their duties - I caught up with an old friend while I ate.
So there you have it, the wildest and wooliest convention I've ever attended. Next spring we do it again in a time and place to be determined. Congratulations to Chairman Mooney and the other winners - feel free to stop by our county anytime!