2009 Guide to the Maryland Blogosphere
About this guide: This is an effort which was suggested for me by fellow blogger G.A. Harrison and patterned on a similar guide in Delaware. But because of the sheer number of websites that eminate from the Free State, I had to establish some parameters which limited those listed to blogs and bloggers who I considered serious about their craft in that they've taken the time to post on a regular basis (averaging twice a week or more for a period of time) and built up a reader base of 1,000 or more readers a month based on empirical data acquired from a metering service or the authors themselves.
Unfortunately, many blogs I enjoy and read on at least an occasional basis failed in one or both criteria, and this may be something I revisit for the next Guide. In short, I consider this a work in progress.
To that end, I've truncated this original post and will now simply refer readers to the page on this site. That will be where errata and additions will be placed until later this year when work on the 2010 Guide will begin.