10 from 10: Welcome to the Rushalanche!
October 5, 2007 is a day - to borrow a phrase from some failed presidential candidate - that is forever seared into my memory. It wasn't the first time I'd tried to call Rush Limbaugh on "open line Friday" but I amazingly got through, Snerdly liked the question I was going to ask, and right after the 1:30 news it was time for my big show business break. (I have the transcript as a private page. Think I did the job of making the host look good.)
And yes, it did fry my server. But for one glorious day I had several thousand people read my site - who knows, maybe some are still around.
Since most of you readers have never heard of monoblogue prior to my conversation with Rush, a little about my website.
I started this a couple years ago because I couldn't write a letter to the editor every day. But in the last 22 months this has become my hobby/obsession and the actual reason I wanted to call in was to see what websites are considered the top sites for conservative thinking so I can link to them and use them to improve my own writing.
On monoblogue, I cover a variety of subjects ranging from national and Maryland politics to my love of baseball and local music. Another goal is to inform the voters of the Eastern Shore and elsewhere of the political choices they have and editorially push them in the "right" direction.
So welcome to monoblogue, and I hope you come back often. And thank you for the "big show business break" Rush!!!
P.S. There's been many great comments so far and I'm going to spend some time this weekend answering them. I've always been proud of those who comment (I think I have the best readers of any website) and you folks continue the tradition. Plus you've given me valuable insight on good websites, some I already knew of and a few I didn't.
And for those who ask, in maybe two hours you've topped my best WEEK ever. Now the challenge is to keep all of my new readers, and I look forward to it. My thanks to you and to Rush for taking my call.
I would be remiss if I didn't add the companion post I did for the new audience. It was a day I'll never forget.