10 from 10: Thanksgiving 2010
For today's look back, I review a Thanksgiving past. This is from November 25, 2010.
As I have in years past, I take time a day or two before Thanksgiving to write an annual message. It may or may not be autobiographical (generally it is) and it may or may not be philosophical, but nonetheless I take the time to populate my website on Thanksgiving because I feel I owe it to my loyal readers to provide daily content. A few dozen take me up on reading it.
Last year at this time I detailed my economic struggles, and they continue apace - however, I am thankful to have found a part-time job which is helping a little bit, not to mention the few extra dollars I make as a scribe. Depending on how things go forward with Pajamas Media, I'm up to two or three regular (paying) writing clients.
(I'm told this new job outside the house will pick up once the holidays are over - let's hope that's more true than when I lost my last full-time job only to be told I'll be rehired 'after the holidays' - too bad I didn't verify in which year those holidays would be. Can't blame the old boss, though, since he has a smaller company now than when I left.)
It's odd that I seem to have swerved into a bit of a tradition here. For the third year in a row, I'm having dinner with my friends Jim and Michele in Delaware and for the second year in a row, supper will be consumed with Kim's family at her mom's place in Oxford. It's different than a Swartz family gathering, but it has advantages nonetheless.
Of course, the disadvantage of leaving family to move three states away is that one can't always be there to gather with them. But this year that longing will be compounded by the loss of my brother LJ - future family gatherings will never be the same. For example, there are only two cutthroat UNO players to avoid sitting next to instead of three. (Those who know me best and most intimately will understand the humor there.)
Yet as the universe of readers here keeps expanding and time marches on as it forever has, I realize that there are days we need to ponder that which we should be thankful for and to Whom the thanks should go.
While it's difficult letting go of the political world for a day and nearly impossible to not pay attention to the football game on (after all, I am a Detroit Lions fan and we almost always ate as their annual Thanksgiving game was being played) I try to manage because the best part is having great company for the day.
Years ago, in what seems like a galaxy far, far away, I was married to my first wife who had an elderly father that lived alone. Our first thought about Thanksgiving was making sure he had a place to go and wouldn't be by himself on the holiday. As for me, I think I have managed to spend the time with family and friends either here or back in Ohio (a couple times) since I moved here. I still appreciate those who hosted me on Thanksgivings spent far away from my own family opening their home to me and being friends.
So I hope your Thanksgiving goes well, and if you have a job you got the day off. (Is our society really better served with all the stores open for shopping Thanksgiving Day?) Give thanks to those you're with, for you never know if they'll be there with you when the next Thanksgiving rolls around. Time has a way of being cruel.